Best Day to “Try” for Highest Chance of Getting Pregnant [EP 24]
This episode is all about the highly requested topic of figuring out the best day to “try” to get pregnant.
In this episode, you will learn how to use nutrition to support cervical mucus and tips for understanding your fertile window.
I also discuss the accuracy of ovulation kits, explain what optimal cervical mucus should look and feel like, and offer tips for improving your cervical mucus to support your fertility.
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"The highest chance of conception is when intimacy is happening the day before ovulation, which should be the same day you see the most abundant cervical mucus." - Brooke Boskovich
Show Notes:
Learn when your fertile window is
Do you need to “try” every other day
Does abstaining from sex affect sperm quality
Are ovulation kits accurate
What does optimal cervical mucus look like
What does it mean if you don't have optimal cervical mucus
How to improve cervical mucus
"Observation of cervical mucus patterns is the best way to time intimacy for conception." - Brooke Boskovich
Links Mentioned:
Listen to Episode 6: Is Your Sperm Analysis Really Normal?
Listen to Episode 23: Get Pregnant Faster by Improving How You Adapt to Stress
Get my FREE Fertility Meal Plan