Overcoming Secondary Infertility [EP 25]
Today’s topic affects plenty of parents who had no issues conceiving previously.
How long should you wait between pregnancies?
Is your gut health related to your recent fertility issues?
I explain secondary infertility, its main causes, and practical treatments in this episode.
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“Fertility is not static.” - Brooke Boskovich
Show Notes:
What is secondary infertility
How to know if you have secondary infertility
Ways to manage secondary infertility
How is gut health related to secondary
What causes secondary infertility
How long to wait between pregnancies
What to eat to counteract secondary infertility
How does sperm health affect secondary infertility
Which labs to consider if facing secondary infertility
"Just because you didn't face any challenges having one child or two doesn't mean having another will come easy." - Brooke Boskovich
Links Mentioned:
Listen to Episode 6: Is Your Sperm Analysis Really Normal?
Listen to Episode 13: Detox Support for Fertility
Listen to Episode 18: The Role of Gut Health in Fertility
Listen to Episode 19: The Role of Minerals in Fertility
Listen to Episode 23: Get Pregnant Faster by Improving How You Adapt to Stress
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