Overcoming Secondary Infertility [EP 25]

Today’s topic affects plenty of parents who had no issues conceiving previously.

How long should you wait between pregnancies?

Is your gut health related to your recent fertility issues?

I explain secondary infertility, its main causes, and practical treatments in this episode.

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“Fertility is not static.” - Brooke Boskovich

Show Notes:

  • What is secondary infertility

  • How to know if you have secondary infertility

  • Ways to manage secondary infertility

  • How is gut health related to secondary

  • infertility

  • What causes secondary infertility

  • How long to wait between pregnancies

  • What to eat to counteract secondary infertility

  • How does sperm health affect secondary infertility

  • Which labs to consider if facing secondary infertility

"Just because you didn't face any challenges having one child or two doesn't mean having another will come easy." - Brooke Boskovich

Links Mentioned:


Best Day to “Try” for Highest Chance of Getting Pregnant [EP 24]