3 Ways to Get Rid of TTC Stress

Raise your hand if your cousin/colleague/mother-in-law told you that if you want to get pregnant you “just need to relax”.  

And yes. 

They do have a point. Sort of…

But no. 

A spa getaway, a vacation to the tropics, or a walk in the woods won’t get you pregnant. 

Stress management and repletion from stress are more complex than getting a nice massage or reading your favorite book… 

Stress, no matter where it is coming from, results in a biological cascade of events that leads to depletion and a body that doesn’t have enough resources to support the very energy-intensive process of fertility and support you.

Not all stress is bad. You don’t have to live with Buddhist monks on top of a mountain to take good care of your fertility.  

Your body — and your fertility — though will suffer when exposed to repeated and prolonged stressors that will prevent your capacity to:

⭐Build happy hormones

⭐Fight oxidative damage (to protect egg & sperm quality)

⭐Ovulate regularly

⭐Build & protect healthy swimmers

⭐Send enough nutrients to support reproduction

⭐Get good quality sleep

⭐Support a healthy gut

⭐Manage healthy inflammatory levels

⭐Create energy sufficiently for you, let alone fertility

Finding where your stressors are coming from can help you uncover the barriers that are getting in the way of you and a healthy baby.

Here are some common stressors you can eliminate today:

🚫Under eating


🚫Lack of sun

🚫Gut infections

🚫Toxic people 

To be honest, it doesn’t really matter where your stress is coming from. 

Whether you’re stressed because your work is super demanding, you’re doing all the “fertility detox” out there (spoiler alert: there’s not such a thing as a fertility detox), or just because trying to conceive is a roller coaster of emotions… stress is going to deplete nutrients and your body is going to compensate and de-prioritize somewhere else. 

The first to suffer while your body is under a lot of stress is your fertility. 

It might be draining progesterone, decreasing egg quality, increasing inflammation, or even leading to poor sleep, and poor gut health…

“Are you saying I should eliminate all sources of stress? Is that even possible in the real world?”

Of course not! 

Eliminating all stress is not realistic BUT we can work to decrease it & support how your body is adapting to it.

So your body can handle all the stressors thrown at you without overcompensating — and impacting your fertility. 

Let’s focus on what you can do! 

Here are 3 things you can do to reduce your stress burden and support your fertility: 

#1 Maintain Strong Boundaries

You don’t need to have conversations you don’t want to have or do things you don’t feel comfortable doing. 

So protect your boundaries and learn how to say no. 

To the curious friend asking about your fertility journey and what is like to do IVF. 

To your boss (or clients) insisting on last minute demands… 

To your overbearing aunt telling you “it’s time you start a family”. 

Only do what makes you comfortable. Forget about being polite to people pushing you to the limits of your tollerance. And remember “no” is a full sentence

#2 Prioritize Self-Care

No. I’m not talking about warm baths and manicures. 

The core foundation of self-care — especially when trying to conceive — is not putting unnecessary stress on yourself and your body. 

Hydration is crucial, especially mineral balance. 

Your nutrient status is huge for adapting to stress because the stress response rapidly uses up minerals. So if these minerals aren’t being replaced you’ll become more and more depleted, which is another stressor in itself.

And please, please, please start eating enough and stop exercizing like your life depended on how many calories you’re burning! 

And if you put on some extra pounds, don’t beat yourself up! You’re preparing your body for your healthy baby, not for a bikini photoshoot... 

Carve some time during the day and dedicate it to yourself, and if a warm bath is your thing enjoy the bubbles! 

#3 Embrace The Present

Do more of the things you bring you joy with the people you love! 

The journey to a healthy baby can be paved with heartbreaks and frustrations, and while you focus on what’s not happening, it can be pretty easy to forget all the wonderful things happening in your life. 

The easiest way to connect with the present moment? 

Take deep diaphrammatic breaths and spend time in nature, barefoot if possible. 

Remember that you got this! And even if it’s taking a bit longer than you anticipated, believe in your heart you’re capable of doing it.


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